You need to be a current financial member to be able to enroll and attend any of our courses and most of our activities.
Membership is to our current financial year which starts on 01 Jan and finishes on the 31 Dec.
The current membership subscription is $65 pa.
When applying for membership or renewing your membership you agree to abide by our current constitution and Terms and Conditions of our U3A.
Financial members who have an email address and renew their membership subscription in Term 4 receive an Early Bird discount. The current Early Bird subscription is $35.00 for 2024.
New Members
Our U3A’s main objective is to promote Lifelong Learning and we are an organisation entirely run by volunteer members. To minimise costs we mainly communicate over the Internet, so to get the most out of our U3A you need to be able to access our website and check your emails weekly and volunteer at some level.
New members or lapsed members need to apply to join U3A by filling out and submitting the application for membership form.
Once approved, we notify you by email or phone, and you can pay the current membership subscription by direct deposit and you can then enroll in U3A classes.
New members pay the full membership subscription for current year irrespective of when they apply to join U3A.
New members that join after the start of Term 4 will be financial until the 31 Dec of the following year.
New members can apply to join by filling out the form below: